Bombo international convention to be held on 29-30 December 2019

Kathmandu: Nepal Tamang Bombo Protection Society is to convene an international convention of Bombo (shamans) on the eve of Nepal Visit Year 2020.
At a press conference held in Kathmandu on Monday coordinated by the Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN), it was declared that the international convention of bombo will be held in Kathmandu on 29-30 December 2019 to assist the government’s campaign to bring 2 million tourists in Nepal in the year 2020.

At least 1,000 bombo (shamans) from the Europe and SAARC region are expected to take part in the scheduled convention which will conclude with a ‘declaration 2020’.
The bombo society’s chairman Maharaj Bomjan said that one of the aims of the convention was to foster solidarity and integrity among the shamans (bombos) of the Tamang community who are spread across the country and globe.
The other aim of the convention is to spread the positive message about shamanism (bombo) which is being tarnished in these days due to the wrong message spread about the bombo (shamanism) which has caused this ancient tradition to be on the verge of extinction in society said Bomjan.

The bombo society registered at the district administration of Kathmandu two months ago has now extended its branch offices to as many as 15 districts and more than 100 members have been enrolled in the list of this society added Bomjan.
Who are bombo (Shaman)?
Bombo (shaman) or Jhankris are those priests, who perform the job of purging the house of dead spirits, provide herbal medicine for some curable diseases, who possess the knowledge of spell. The word bombo had got distorted from the Tibetan word’ Pobba’ to ‘Ponpo’, ‘Bombo’ and Bon.
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