Home Features Breathtaking trekking through Kali Gandaki Gorge
November 21, 2019

Breathtaking trekking through Kali Gandaki Gorge

Kali Gandaki gorge trekking
Kali Gandaki gorge trekking: File photo

Kali Gandaki gorge is the world’s deepest canyon found in Nepal. Trekking through this deepest gorge will not only be an experience of wonders and surprises, but also an incredibly fun you will ever enjoy in your lifetime at the cheapest price. 

The deepest Kaligandaki gorge is elevated at 5,571 m or 18,278 ft lower than Annapurna which bounds it at one point. The other name for the Kali Gandaki canyon is Thak Khola, which has been named after the local indigenous groups known as Thakali people. The deepest gorge separates the peaks of Dhaulagiri (8,167m) on the west and Annapurna (8,091 m) on the east. 

Kali Gandaki trek
Kali Gandaki trek: File photo

If you can measure the depth of the Kali Gandaki canyon by the difference between the river height and the heights of the mountain peaks on either side, the gorge is the world’s deepest one.  The depth of the gorge continues to be increased as the tectonic activity forces the surrounding mountain to move up higher. 

One of the famous fossils of this region known as Shaligram found here is venerated as one of the five non-living forms of Lord Vishnu. This trekking trail is also known as the Apple Pie trek of this region.  This spectacular trekking starts from the Thak Khola region.

Kaligandaki trek
Kaligandaki trek. File photo

During the trek, you will also have an opportunity to visit desert type of arid landscape and popular pilgrimage temple of Muktinath.  The other interesting things to see are the diversity of flora and fauna and people’s ancient cultural heritage. 

Best time to trek

Spring and autumn are the two best seasons for treks through the deepest gorge of the world.

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