Home home featured Nepal’s East-West Railway line construction begins
December 26, 2019

Nepal’s East-West Railway line construction begins

Kathmandu: Railway department of Nepal has started working for 1003.8 km long- three-link line electric railway line construction works from far east to far western Nepal by dividing it into ten packages.

The railway line from Kakadbhitta of Jhapa to Gaddhachowki of Kanchanpur which is 924. 8 km long, Khanar of Sunsari to Biratnagar, Butwal to Lumbini and Kohalpur to Nepalgunj are the three railway link lines as long as 79 km for which the construction works have been initiated.

The Railway department has demanded a budget of about Rs one trillion, 74 billion and 271. 4 million rupees for the current fiscal year from the government’s finance ministry.

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