Home Tourism News Karnali Festival to be organized
February 11, 2020

Karnali Festival to be organized


Kathmandu: A four-day festival is going to be organized at Bulbule Garden of Birendranagar in Surkhet district from March 2.

Hriti Foundation is going to organize the event with the objective of expanding a better understanding of Karnali State.

The event will be held in three themes. The first day is titled ‘Karnali ka Bela’, or Karnali’s Time, the second is ‘Karnali Kotyau’ or Dig into Karnali and third one as ‘Mantha Jurmurauchan’ or People are Animated.

During the event, discourses will be held among the participants and guests on issues related to the Karnali Province.
Chief Minister of State No 5 Shanker Pokharel and Chief Minister of Karnali State Mahendra Bahadur Shahi and Chief Minister of Sudur Paschim State Trilochan Bhatta will attend the discourse themed ‘Mukhya Mantha, Mul Kuda’ (Main Person, Main Talk).

Foundation’s founder member Dinesh Gautam shared that the Festival aims to further strengthen the interrelation among the local, provincial and federal government and make them responsible for the public.

Organizers are confident that this event will also contribute to the promotion of language, arts, culture and socio-economic development of the Kanali Province.

The event will be inaugurated by a cycle rally and Deuda dance.

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