Tourists no longer to stay in quarantine, get an on-arrival visa

The loose standard has been issued to make the tourism sector revive, which has come to a standstill due to the Corona epidemic.
Now, tourists visiting Nepal will get an on-arrival visa. Tourists showing negative PCR reports after arriving in Nepal will not have to stay in quarantine.
Earlier, it was mandatory to stay at the Hotel quarantine for seven days after coming to Nepal. Also, the previous corona insurance system has been removed.
For a long time, the tourism business has been demanding the relaxation of standards for tourists. The loose measure was issued at a time when the second wave of Corona is expected to hit the country.
Tourist Arrival Management Protocol 2077
The government of Nepal (cabinet) has issued this tourist protocol to prevent the Covid-19 pandemic.
a. Any tourist willing to visit Nepal for mountaineering activities should coordinate with one of the concerned agencies in Nepal after which the concerned agencies will request the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) for such an activity.
b. Tourists fixing travel schedules in Nepal after seeking health services by coordinating with the Nepal-based health institutes should be informed and requested at NTB.
c. The NTB will refer all requests thereafter to the Ministry of foreign affairs and the department of tourism.
Nepal Entry Visa
a. The tourists should take visas from Nepal’s embassies located in their respective countries.
b. Tourists arriving in Nepal via airways can get visa on arrival at the airport in Kathmandu while those visiting Nepal via land should only get the visa from Nepali embassies in their countries.
Credentials to be produced before visiting Nepal
Tourists visiting Nepal should submit the following credentials at the check-in counter of respective airports.
a. A PCR report has taken 72 hours ago or any document showing injection taken against Covid-19.
b. Recommendation letter from NTB and relevant agencies in Nepal for tourism activities in Nepal.
c. Hotel booking in Nepal.
d. Insurance for the whole period of travel in Nepal and for emergency rescue operations.
Management after arrival in Nepal
a. Tourists arriving in Nepal with a Negative PCR report and Covid-19 inoculation report should take another PCR report on their own cost in coordination with their agents in Nepal and stay in quarantine until the PCR report is negative if positive cases are detected.
b. The insurance of Rs 100000 should be fixed for agents accompanying the tourists in Nepal.
For Indian tourists
For Indian tourists coming to Nepal via airways should be in accordance with Nepal-India Travel Bubble Agreement.
All other tourist-related safety protocols issued earlier have been scrapped.
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