Home Features Base camp of Annapurna Himal can be reached in one day
November 30, 2021

Base camp of Annapurna Himal can be reached in one day

  • Kamal Khatri

Myagdi. With the shortening of the footpath to the base camp of the 8,091-meter-high Annapurna-I Himal, it has become possible to reach the base camp in one day.

Earlier, a seven-day journey was planned, but now Nepali domestic tourists have started to reach the base camp on the same day from Narchang to Humkhola by vehicle and about 15 kilometers on foot.

Shyam Purja, president of Annapurna Youth Club Narchang, informed that the tourism infrastructure including roads can now reach the Annapurna base camp within two days.

With the facility of road transport, the Annapurna base camp can now be reached from Narchang in two days at most. Developed in such a way as to reach the base camp of Annapurna Himal, this route is said to be the first base camp in Nepal to be reached on a short distance on foot.

Infrastructure construction on the Maurice Herzog Trail

Infrastructure has been built on the Maurice Herzog Trail leading to the base camp of Annapurna I Himal. Infrastructure including routes, shelters and resting squares have been constructed to reach the base camp in two days from Annapurna Gaonpalika-4 Narchang.

The infrastructure construction project started last year with the budget of Rs. 28 million allocated by the Ministry of Tourism has reached the final stage.

Infrastructure including footpath has been constructed from Humkhola to the base camp after the road network reached Humkhola through Dobhan-Chhotepa of Narchang. Gurung informed that the journey to the base camp was shortened after the two-day journey was shortened by two hours.

Under the footpath, suspension bridges have been constructed at six places including Chhotepa, Humkhola, Futfute Jharna, Sandhikharka, Bhusket and Dharamsala and shelters are being constructed at six places.

A stone staircase is known for the 14-kilometer-long footpath from Humkhola at the foot of the Nilgiri Himal, and railings have been placed on the Akkare hills and hillsides.

The ‘Maurice Herzog Trail’ will be widely publicized

The ‘Maurice Herzog Trail’ connecting Annapurna Gaonpalika-4 Narchang to the northern base camp of Annapurna I Himal will be widely publicized and developed.

The village municipality had operated the footpath on the occasion of Nepal Tourism Year 2020 BS.  Capt. Damba Bahadur Pun, chairman of Annapurna village, said that the footpath named after Maurice Herzog of France, who had climbed the 8,000-meter-high mountain for the first time, was a short and safe footpath to reach the base camp.

Stating that the first Annapurna Tourism Festival was held two years ago at Narchang, the entry point of the route, to spread the message that the footpath is ready, Annapurna base camp, Myagdi. Herzog set a rare record of climbing Annapurna’s first mountain on June 3, 1950, taking the first step on a mountain higher than 8,000 feet.

Three years after the first ascent of Annapurna, it is also called the oldest mountain because of the human footsteps on Mt. Everest. Visiting the base camp, climbing the mountain and enjoying the beauty of waterfalls, lakes, wildlife and flora are the attractions of this route.

Last year, 70 people had climbed the mountain after reaching the base camp through this route. It is estimated that more than 700 domestic tourists reached the base camp last year alone.

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