Home Adventure Defying the Odds: Double-Amputee Mountaineer’s Everest Quest
April 5, 2023

Defying the Odds: Double-Amputee Mountaineer’s Everest Quest

Now it’s time to climb the tallest mountain in the world (The Mt. Everest). There’s an another mountain that I will be climbing rest of my life which is disability awareness. This is one of the check point that I want to go through along this journey. – Hari Budha Magar

File Photo: Hari Budha Magar at Mt. Everest Basecamp. Source: Hari’s facebook profile.
  • Highlights Tourism

Double-amputee mountaineer Hari Budha Magar has embarked on his most daring adventure yet – an attempt to climb Mount Everest, the world’s tallest peak. Budha Magar, an ex-British Gurkha, received permission from the Department for Tourism to undertake this extraordinary expedition, according to Department Director General Hom Prasad Luintel.

Budha Magar lost both of his legs in the 2010 Afghanistan war. Despite this significant setback, he refused to let his disability define him and instead used it as a catalyst to challenge himself further. He has already successfully climbed Mont Blanc (4,810 meters), Chulu Far East (6,059 meters), Kilimanjaro (5,895 meters), and Mera Peak (6,476 meters).

Today, Hari Budha Magar boarded a plane at Tribhuvan International Airport, bound for Lukla, Soloukhumbu. He will be climbing Mount Everest on his artificial legs and is reported to be the world’s first person with artificial legs to perform skydiving from the Everest base camp.

A Long-Awaited Adventure

Director General Luintel shared that Budha Magar was pleased to receive the expedition permit after a long wait and is excited about his upcoming adventurous journey. Budha Magar’s journey to climb Mount Everest is an inspiring story of resilience and determination. Despite losing his legs in war, he did not let his disability limit him and instead used it as motivation to push his limits and challenge himself.

Sources close to Budha Magar reveal that he has been preparing for this climb for several years, undergoing extensive training to build his physical and mental strength. He has also been working closely with a team of experts to develop specialized equipment that will allow him to climb more efficiently and safely.

Breaking Barriers

Budha Magar’s climb highlights the importance of accessibility and inclusivity in adventure sports. His determination to climb Mount Everest with artificial legs is a testament to the fact that people with disabilities can achieve remarkable feats with the right support and resources.

Budha Magar’s climb will undoubtedly inspire millions around the world and serve as a reminder that anything is possible with hard work, dedication, and a strong will. We wish him all the best in his journey to the top of the world’s tallest peak.

File photo from Hari’s facebook profile.

A Life of Inspiration

Born in the remote village in Rolpa district in Nepal, Hari joined the British Army’s Gurkha regiment in 1999 and served in Iraq, Bosnia, and Afghanistan. After losing his legs to an IED in Afghanistan, he underwent extensive rehabilitation and began participating in various sports activities to help with his recovery. He soon discovered a passion for mountaineering and embarked on a mission to climb some of the world’s highest peaks.

In addition to his mountaineering achievements, Hari is a motivational speaker and an advocate for disability rights. He firmly believes that people with disabilities can achieve anything they set their minds to, provided they have the right support and resources.

Hari has been a vocal critic of the lack of accessibility and inclusivity in adventure sports, particularly mountaineering. He has called for greater efforts to make these activities more accessible to people with disabilities and has advocated for more funding and resources to support this cause.

In an interview with the BBC, Hari said, “I want to prove to the world that people with disabilities can do anything. I want to show that we are not disabled, we are differently-abled, and we can achieve anything we want with the right mindset and attitude.”

Hari’s story is one of resilience, determination, and inspiration. Despite facing significant challenges, he refused to give up on his dreams and instead used his disability as a source of strength. His message of hope and positivity has touched the lives.


We invite you to share your personal experiences of exploring the Nepali mountains. If you have hiked, climbed, or trekked through any of the breathtaking mountain regions in Nepal, we would be delighted to hear about your journey. Please send us a detailed account of your experiences, including any challenges, highlights, and memorable moments with photos, and we will provide a platform for you to share your story. You can reach us at highlightstourism@gmail.com. Thank you for considering sharing your Nepali mountain adventure with us.

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